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Generative AI to quantify uncertainty in weather forecasting

AutoBNN: Probabilistic time series forecasting with compositional bayesian neural networks

Computer-aided diagnosis for lung cancer screening

Using AI to expand global access to reliable flood forecasts

ScreenAI: A visual language model for UI and visually-situated language understanding

SCIN: A new resource for representative dermatology images

MELON: Reconstructing 3D objects from images with unknown poses

HEAL: A framework for health equity assessment of machine learning performance

Cappy: Outperforming and boosting large multi-task language models with a small scorer

Talk like a graph: Encoding graphs for large language models

Chain-of-table: Evolving tables in the reasoning chain for table understanding

Health-specific embedding tools for dermatology and pathology

Social learning: Collaborative learning with large language models

Croissant: a metadata format for ML-ready datasets

Google at APS 2024